Video and Audio Links

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Video Links

Nonprofit Program Evaluation
Dr. Robert Fischer, Research Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development at Case Western Reserve University discusses why program evaluation is important, some of the pitfalls that can occur, as well as some low-cost, easy ways for organizations to get started in evaluating their programs.

Ten Things Evaluation Needs: An Evaluation Needs Assessment
For evaluation to continue to develop as a profession, a rolling needs assessment would be useful. By identifying issues and problems in evaluation for which we have no good answers, we can concentrate our research on evaluation and pool wisdom gained from evaluative experiences. If for no other reason, this continuing look at the field of evaluation will provide topics for dissertations, research proposals, and communications among evaluation professionals.

Embedded Research Collaborations: Case Studies
Professor Martin Henson of the University of Essex presents embedded research collaboration case studies at the 2013 Gulf Education Conference.

Audio Links

How Is It Different Polls Produce Different Results?
Pollsters can either take a narrow look at likely voters or they look at all registered voters.

Taking Biological Research Out Of The Laboratory
The DIY-biology movement is studying things like DNA and E. coli bacteria in home labs.