Work Applications

Questions for thought and discussion that allow you to make the connection between your learning content and your experiences in the working world. 

Work Application 10.1
Select a job. Identify the compensation you received there in detail.

The Compensation System
LO 10.1 Identify the components of a compensation system.

Work Application 10.2
Give an example of how expectancy theory has affected your motivation or that of someone you work with or have worked with. Be sure to specify the expectancy and valence.

Expectancy Theory   
LO 10.2 Describe how expectancy and equity theories apply to compensation. 

Work Application 10.3
Give an example of how equity theory has affected your motivation or that of someone you work with or have worked with. Be sure to specify if you were underrewarded, overrewarded, or equitably rewarded.

Equity Theory
LO 10.2 Describe how expectancy and equity theories apply to compensation.

Work Application 10.4
Assess the ability to pay of an organization you work or worked for. Explain how you came up with your answer.

Ability to Pay
LO 10.3 Identify the seven basic issues that make up the organizational compensation strategy.

Work Application 10.5
Select a job you have or have had. Did the firm provide above-average, average, or below-average compensation? Explain how you came up with your answer, using comparisons to competitors.

At, Above, or Below Market
LO 10.3 Identify the seven basic issues that make up the organizational compensation strategy.

Work Application 10.6
Select a job you have or have had. Did the firm pay for performance or longevity? Explain in detail.

Pay for Performance or Pay for Longevity
LO 10.3 Identify the seven basic issues that make up the organizational compensation strategy.

Work Application 10.7
Select a job you have or have had. Did people know how much other employees made, or was there pay secrecy?

Pay Secrecy
LO 10.3 Identify the seven basic issues that make up the organizational compensation strategy.

Work Application 10.8
Select a job you have or have had. What is the minimum wage in your state? Does the firm pay its lowest-level employees below, at, or above the state minimum wage?

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (Amended)
LO 10.4 Discuss the three major provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Work Application 10.9
Give examples of jobs that are exempt and nonexempt. Be sure to state why they are classified as such.

Exempt or Nonexempt
LO 10.4 Discuss the three major provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Work Application 10.10
Select a job you have or have had. Who gets paid overtime, why, and how much?

LO 10.4 Discuss the three major provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Work Application 10.11
Select a job you have or have had. Does the organization hire child labor? If so, why, and what do the child laborers do?

Child Labor
LO 10.4 Discuss the three major provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Work Application 10.12
Select an organization you work for or have worked for. Could comparable worth work at that organization? Why or why not?

Pay Equity and Comparable Worth
LO 10.4 Discuss the three major provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Work Application 10.13
Select an organization. Identify and describe which of the four job evaluation methods are used in that organization to determine pay

Factor Comparison Method
LO 10.5 Name the three types of job evaluations by describing whether they are more objective or subjective in form..

Work Application 10.14
Select an organization, and identify the rate range for a category of jobs within that organization.

Pay Structure
LO 10.6 Briefly describe the concept of job structure, pay levels, product market competition, and labor market competition.