Questions for thought and discussion that allow you to make the connection between your learning content and your experiences in the working world.
Work Application 13.1
Thinking of business leaders, preferably where you work or have worked, do you trust them to act ethically? Why or why not?
Ethical Organizations
LO 13.1 Discuss the term ethics by stating the common elements of the definition.
Work Application 13.2
Give an example of unethical business behavior from your personal experience or the news and the reason given to justify it.
Contributing Factors to Unethical Behavior
LO 13.1 Discuss the term ethics by stating the common elements of the definition.
Work Application 13.3
Describe any guidelines you use, or will use in the future, to help you make ethical decisions.
Discernment and Advice
LO 13.1 Discuss the term ethics by stating the common elements of the definition.
Work Application 13.4
Describe a code of ethics, preferably where you work or have worked. Provide a copy if possible.
Codes of Ethics
LO 13.2 Identify each factor required in a good code of ethics.
Work Application 13.5
Has an organization where you work or have worked had an affirmative action program? If so, describe it. Also, has there been any reverse discrimination?
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
LO 3.3 Contrast the concepts of equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, diversity, and inclusion.
Work Application 13.6
Discuss how demographic diversity and the need for diversity is affecting an organization you work for or have worked for. What are some of the advantages and challenges faced by the firm? Also, describe how diversity is managed at the organization.
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce
LO 3.3 Contrast the concepts of equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, diversity, and inclusion.
Work Application 13.7
Select a business, preferably one you work for or have worked for, and identify how it is socially responsible on a specific issue.
CSR Defined
LO 13.4 Describe the “business case” for corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Work Application 13.8
Select a business, preferably one you work for or have worked for, and identify its level of corporate social responsibility. Be sure to explain your answer with examples of specific things it does.
Levels of Corporate Social Responsibility
LO 13.4 Describe the “business case” for corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Work Application 13.9
Select an organization, preferably one you work for or have worked for. Describe its sustainability practice efforts.
HR and Organizational Sustainability
LO 13.5 Review the concept of sustainability in a business context.
Work Application 13.10
Select an organization, preferably one you work for or have worked for. Describe how it is using training and development to meet the challenges of sustainability.
Sustainability Training
LO 13.5 Review the concept of sustainability in a business context.
Work Application 13.11
Select an organization, preferably one you work for or have worked for. Identify any sustainability-based benefits it currently offers, if any, and state some benefits it could offer.
Sustainability-Based Benefits
Work Application 13.12
Select an organization, preferably one you work for or have worked for. Describe how it is using training and development to meet the challenges of an increasingly diversified world.
Does Diversity Training Work