Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Link: Gender Roles – Male and Female
Description: In Chapter Six, we point out that one group in which everyone belongs is a sex group.  Throughout the world, cultures treat members of sex groups differently.  In the video below you will see the presentation of sex roles in a rather androcentric fashion.  The video appears to be targeted at several cultures and is presented in two languages.  Hence, the filmmakers seem to believe that their depiction of sex roles is at least somewhat universal. 

Video Link: Gender Stereotypes in Media
Description: Consistent with Gerbner’s cultivation theory, in the video you will see a compilation of clips from film and television demonstrating the prominence of gender role stereotypes in media. 

Video Link: Transforming Gender Roles at the Family Level in Cambodia
Description: In Cambodia, Oxfam initiated a project designed to support sex role equality within Cambodian households. In this film (which is about 15 minutes in length) men and women (i.e., husbands and wives) were shown that sex roles are not fixed and that they could go beyond the socially prescribed sex role expectations. In the film you will see spouses discussing their current family situation, their roles, needs, and expectations.