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Intercultural conflict is the experience of emotional frustration and/or mismatched expectations between individuals from different cultures who perceive an incompatibility between their values, norms, goals, scarce resources, and/or outcomes during an intercultural exchange. Intercultural conflict occurs when cultural group membership factors influence how individuals approach, avoid, and manage conflict.

During intercultural conflict, one’s group membership (i.e., culture) becomes a factor in how conflict is perceived, managed and resolved.  Some of these cultural factors may be unconscious, such as one’s degree of individualism or collectivism.  Other factors are probably very conscious.  Intercultural conflict involves a certain degree of ethnocentric perceptions and judgments.

Web Link: Conflict Management and Communication Skills
Description: At this site, you can explore many dimensions of conflict, including types and styles of conflict within family and friendships, civic life, intercultural conflict, and international conflict. There are several links that will take you to alternative sites dealing with the various factors that contribute to many types of conflict, including intercultural conflict. 

Web Link: Cross-Cultural Case Studies
Description: Read five cases of intercultural conflict in the workplace between US and East Indian employees working for the same company. The cases are presented each followed by a series of questions, then an explanation of the conflict and how it might be resolved. The cases are provided and discussed by Shanti Consulting, a firm that specializes in Indian culture.

Web Link: 3 Cross-Cultural Workplace Conflicts for Americans and Hispanics
Description: As we saw in Chapter Three, Hispanics/Latinos represent the largest microcultural group in the US.  At the CAL Learning website are three brief scenarios of potential conflict between Americans and Hispanics in the workplace.