Managing Business Ethics: Making Ethical Decisions
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
1. The Fall of Enron
Description: NPR news summary as well as links to various Enron stories resulting from the scandal.
2. Investing in CEOs
Description: An article asking if CEOs from firms embroiled in scandals are worth investing in in the future.
3. Monsanto
Description: CBS News story on Roundup lawsuit.
4. BP Oil Spill: 5 Years Later
Description: MSNBC report on the state of the environment remains 5 years after the spill.
5. Bhopal Gas Tragedy - A Look Back
Description: The Economist reviews the events of the Bhopal disaster.
6. Facebook Privacy Scandal
Description: Business Insider presents and overview of the privacy scandals faced by Facebook.
7. Ford Recalls
Description: ABC News report on recalls related to carbon monoxide leaks.
8. General Mills
Description: Video discussing commitment to improving nutrition in cereals.
9. Google: Sexual Harassment
Description: CBS News report on what employees want from walkout.
10. Mobileye
Description: A virtual tour of the Mobile Autonomous Vehicle.
11. The Whistleblower
Description: 60 Minutes report on whistleblower in opioid crisis.
12. Johnson & Johnson: Hip Replacement in India
Description: News report on hip replacement problems in India.
13. Dieselgate
Description: Documentary on the VW scandal.
14. Walmart and Sustainability
Description: Discussion of Walmart executive on sustainability initiatives.
15. Conscious Capitalism
Description: Interview with John Mackey of Whole Foods on conscious capitalism.