Video and Multimedia

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Crash Course in U.S. Government & Politics Introduction
Learning Objective: 1-2: Discuss the role of a constitution in establishing the rules and procedures that government institutions must follow for collective agreement.

Questions to consider:

  1. What definition of politics is offered in the video? How does it say that politics is defined in the United States?
  2. What forms can political participation take?
  3. What role does political participation by citizens have in a democracy?

Golden Balls
Learning Objective: 1-3: Identify different types of collective action problems

Questions to consider:

  1. The players face the choice between cooperating and splitting the jackpot or choosing the “steal” ball and receiving the entire jackpot. However, if both players choose “steal” neither wins any money. What role does uncertainty play in each player’s individual decision?
  2. Were you surprised by the outcome? Why or why not? What decision would you have made?

MA Health Care Mandate
Learning Objective: 1-3: Identify different types of collective action problems


2010 Tax Deal With Republicans
Learning Objective: 1-3: Identify different types of collective action problems.

The Texas Water Crisis
Learning Objective: 1-4: Explain the costs of collective action.

Questions to consider:

  1. How might the state of Texas and the cities suffering water shortages address their tragedy of the commons issue using regulation and/or privatization?



The California Water Crisis
Learning Objective: 1-4: Explain the costs of collective action.

Questions to consider:

  1. How might the state of California and the cities suffering water shortages address their tragedy of the commons issue using regulation and/or privatization?