Video and Multimedia
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The U.S. Medical System is Still Haunted By Slavery
Medical experiments conducted on slaves, and particularly on slave women, resulted in advances in modern medicine. To this day, healthcare continues to fail black women, who experience worse health than their peers.
Should America Offer Reparations for Slavery
Ta-Nehisi Coates discusses his piece “The Case for Reparations.”
Documentary “13th” Argues Mass Incarceration is an Extension of Slavery
This is a review of Ava DuVernay’s “13th,” which tracks the evolution of mass incarceration in the United States and argues that it has taken the place of slavery.
Looking “Beyond the Big House” and Into the Lives of Slaves
This audio highlights the “Slave Dwelling Project” which seeks to highlight the lives of slaves in the South through historic tours.
Racial Identity and Racial Treatment of Mexican Americans
This article discusses the ways in which Mexican Americans are racialized in the United States.