SAGE Journal Articles
Abstract: This work explores the impact of religion on the parent-child relationships of adult children with gay or lesbian parents. Adult children are interviewed and asked to retrospectively look at how religion impacted their parent-child relationships. Many themes emerged, some as expected and some unexpected.
Abstract: This study was designed to assess whether children’s attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women differ according to their ethnic backgrounds and social understandings of gender roles.
Journal Article 3: Rothblum, E. (2010). Where is the ‘Women’s Community?’ Voices of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women and Heterosexual Sisters. Feminism & Psychology, 20(4), 454-472.
Abstract: This study examined the definition of and connection to ‘community’ of women (28 lesbian, 19 bisexual, three queer, and 10 heterosexual). The research found that “women feel excluded or isolated from community, and this has implications for their needs for connectedness.”