Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Video and Multimedia
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Video Links
Video 1: Influence & Persuasion
Description: There’s a lot of money in media and a huge chunk of that money is spent on trying to get you to do something – buy something, vote a certain way, change a behavior. How does advertising work? And what’s the difference between advertising, public relations, and propaganda?
Video 2: Where Are Our Digital Ads Really Going?
Description: Imagine a world in which every ad you saw was relevant -- where advertising wasn’t random or intrusive, but rather a carefully thought out combination of products you already wanted to know about. In this talk, advertising researcher Kristi Rogers describes how involving advanced mathematics in marketing will ultimately transform the way we interact with products, and the way brands interact with us.
Audio Link
Audio 1: The World’s Most Expensive Free Watch
Description: From Reply All, the story of a man who made the extremely dubious decision to order a watch that he found in an Instagram ad. The hosts explore the strange world that watch came from.
Web Resource
Web 1: Corporations Need to “Walk the Walk” Before Displaying Pride Ads
Description: Celebration of Pride Month has become a mainstay in corporate advertising. But, as this article argues, displaying pride ads is not meaningful if the corporations are not supporting the LGBTQ+ community year-round.