Public Policy: A Concise Introduction
Public Policy: A Concise Introduction
Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Public Policy, First Edition.
The SAGE edge site for Public Policy by Sara R. Rinfret, Denise Scheberle, and Michelle C. Pautz offers a robust online environment you can access anytime, anywhere, and features an impressive array of free tools and resources to keep you on the cutting edge of your learning experience.
Public Policy: A Concise Introduction is a student-friendly primer that quickly connects readers to the inner workings of public policy. The text condenses early chapters on theory and the policy-making process, allowing students to take up key policy challenges—such as immigration, education, and health care—much earlier in the semester. Structured chapter layouts of substantive policy areas allow instructors to supplement with their own examples seamlessly. The book’s emphasis on policy choices asks students to look beyond simple pros and cons to examine the multifaceted dimensions of decision-making and the complexities inherent in real-world problem solving. Not every student starts out engaged in public policy, so place your students—both majors and non-majors alike—in the driver’s seat by fostering their analytical skills early, and spend the rest of the semester discussing policy issues, examining data, and debating current policy examples that matter most to them.
We gratefully acknowledge Sara R. Rinfret, Denise Scheberle, Michelle C. Pautz for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Alicia Fernandez of California State University, Fullerton and Katherine Chang of University of Nevada, Reno for developing the ancillaries on this site.
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