Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
- Advertising - What psychological tricks do they use?
The tactics of advertising.
- Long Tail Marketing
Explains the long tail idea of internet niche markets.
- Rupert Murdoch Seeks a Mass Audience
News Corporation founder Rupert Murdoch talks about creative destruction, how new technologies are destroying and replacing current media delivery systems.
- A better democracy will need a better press: Lord David Puttnam at TEDxHousesofParliament
Lord Puttnam explains that the media have a “duty of care” and need to be responsible for the effects they have on the culture and democratic participation.
- Henry Jenkins on Convergence Culture
MIT Professor Henry Jenkins talks about new media and participatory culture.
- Niches vs Core Audiences
Jon Reiss, filmmaker, discusses the interrelationship of niche and core audiences.