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Article 1: Eldridge, S.M., Costelloe, C.E., Kahan, B.C., Lancaster, G.A. & Kerry, S.M. (2015). How big should the pilot study for my cluster randomised trial be? Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 0(0), 1–18. DOI: 10.1177/0962280215588242

[A  pilot study should help the researcher determine the potential success of a study, as well as identify logistical weakness in design.  This article provides guidance to determine the appropriate sample size for the external pilot studies for cluster randomized.]

Questions to Consider:

  1. Describe some of the unique aspects of cluster randomized trials that impact the design and implementation of a pilot study.
  2. Discuss why recruiting fewer participants per cluster in the pilot than expected in the main trial leads to increased bias in the sample size estimate and reduced precision.
  3. Discuss why the authors conclude that there is a need for large sample sizes with pilot studies of cluster randomized trials in order to obtain “reasonable precision” from their results.


Article 2: Rippe, J.M., Dysinger, W.S., Rust, R., Frank, A., Blair, S.N. & Parkinson, M. (2014). American College of Lifestyle Medicine Expert Panel Discussion: The Treat the Cause Movement. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 8 (5), 291-300. DOI: 10.1177/1559827614521987

[This article presents the views of an expert panel, comprised of individuals with expertise in multiple areas related to lifestyle medicine as they discuss the “The Treat the Cause Movement.”]

Questions to Consider:

  1. Describe what is meant by “Lifestyle Medicine” and the “Treat the Cause Movement.”
  2. Discuss two key points of agreement between the nutritionist, physician, obesity research expert and insurance company medical director in regards to the cause of the obesity epidemic.
  3. According to the expert panelist, Dr. Michael Parkinson, Senior Medical Director of Health and Productivity for the UPMC Health Plan and WorkPartners, what is the connection between the Affordable Care Act and its impact on changes in behaviors?