Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Coordinating and managing people from different cultures within an organizational context represents one of the greatest challenges for the corporate world in the new millennium. Few managers will survive and function effectively without an understanding of the subtleties and complexities of managing others in a multicultural and multinational business environment. Businesses and organizations from virtually every culture have entered into the global marketplace. Given the dramatic cultural transformation in today’s marketplace, the relevance of intercultural communication competence cannot be overstated. To compete in the global and U.S. markets, today’s managers must possess the skills to interact with people who are different from themselves. There is no culture-free theory of management. Managing other people is the responsibility of people who, like everyone else, have been acculturated and socialized into a cultural set of values and beliefs that governs their thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Like communication, management is culture bound. Moreover, managerial perceptions regarding the factors that lead to organizational success vary across cultures.
1. Web Link: Guide to Brazil, Guide to Czech Republic, Guide to Denmark, Guide to Dubai & the UAE, Guide to India, Guide to Indonesia, Guide to Norway, Guide to Poland, Guide to South Korea
Description: These links offer guides to intercultural management in various countries. Each guide offers valuable advice and tips for management in that particular country. The guides look at a range of topics including management styles, business management, project management, time management and management skills.
2. Video Link: Confucian Values – Management in Chinese Cultures
Description: The video profiles and contrasts Chinese and Western (i.e., US) management styles. Compared to the US, the Chinese value building trust, family (i.e., teamwork), harmony, long-term relationships, and loyalty in their work related relationships.