Lab Exercise with Quizzing

Read the materials, click on the lab exercise links and take the quizzes. Please note these will open in a new window.

Lab Exercise 1: Implicit Memory Exercise 1

You will be shown a series of symbols over several trials. You will need to provide a guess about the meaning of the symbols on each trial.

Follow-Up Quiz

1. How is implicit learning measured in the first trial?

  1. identifying shapes associated with colors
  2. identifying rain or shine based on cards
  3. memorizing a series of letters
  4. memorizing a series of numbers

Ans: B

2. This lab exercise demonstrates that people acquire knowledge of new information through ______.

  1. exposure
  2. memorization
  3. sensory exploration
  4. kinetic interaction

Ans: A

3. This lab exercise demonstrates how use our implicit memories to absorb information through a process called procedural learning, which is based on the accumulation of experiences over time.

  1. True
  2. False

Ans: T


Lab Exercise 2: Interference Experiment

ASA Human Factors provides examples of how cognitive processes work. Complete the exercise and record how many you got right.

Follow-Up Quiz

1. This experiment demonstrates the fact that ______ alone does not cause forgetting.

  1. interference
  2. the type of items remembered
  3. time
  4. the number of items remembered

Ans: C

2. Interference seems to be worse when ______.

  1. numbers are used
  2. the information is of the same type
  3. the information is different
  4. sounds are used

Ans: B

3. The type of interference shown in the demonstration is ______.

  1. proactive interference
  2. retroactive interference
  3. semantic interference
  4. passive interference

Ans: B


Lab Exercise 3: Mnemonicizer Exercise

ASA Human Factors provides examples of how cognitive processes work. Perform the mnemonizer. What in the basis of this exercise? How are you supposed to memorize the information based on this mnemonizer? What are other mnemotechniques you use in your studying?

Follow-Up Quiz

1. Creating mnemonics will improve your memory abilities for all types of information.

  1. True
  2. False

Ans: F

2. Mnemonics work best when the information is ______.

  1. ordinary and common
  2. connected with bizarre images
  3. repeated over and over
  4. none of these

Ans: B

3. Mnemonics only work for people with superior memory abilities.

  1. True
  2. False

Ans: F


Lab Exercise 4: Memory Improvement Games

The Exploratorium site. Explore the different ways of improving your memory. Do you use any of these techniques? When can each be useful?

Follow-Up Quiz

1. Repeating the items over and over to yourself to memorize them uses ______.

  1. elaborative encoding
  2. imagination
  3. working memory
  4. intensive study

Ans: C

2. Repeating information over and over is not an effective memory aid because ______.

  1. working memory is capacity limited
  2. long-term memory capacity is limited
  3. imagining the items is not an effective memory aid
  4. none of these

Ans: A

3. Organizing information you want to remember according to the letter it starts with is effective because it uses ______.

  1. working memory
  2. letters, and letters are hard to forget
  3. elaborative encoding
  4. none of these

Ans: C


Lab Exercise 5: Implicit Memory Exercise 2

After reading a set of words, your memory for the words will be tested through a simple, implicit memory task. Complete the implicit memory task. How does this task reflect our memory? Is it an intentional or incidental form of memory?

Follow-Up Quiz

1. Implicit memory tests differ from explicit tests in that ______.

  1. they ask subjects to try to remember things they have studied
  2. there is no information that is studied before an implicit test
  3. they involve memory for studied information without one trying to remember it
  4. they always involve more word stimuli

Ans: C

2. While individual results may vary somewhat in this demonstration, typical results show that reaction times for “New words” will be slower than for “List words.”

  1. True
  2. False

Ans: T

3. This demonstration could be turned into an explicit test by asking subjects to ______.

  1. try to remember the words they studied to identify them
  2. identify words slowly to be sure they are accurate
  3. wait for 3 minutes before they complete the dot clearing trials after they study the words
  4. none of these

Ans: A