Web Exercises

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


See how just a few gestures carry various meanings at. Can you add to this list from your own experiences?



Review the article with pictures “Nonverbal Communication: Chinese Emotion and Gesture.”

Compare the gestures there with those used in the U.S.  Could any of the Chinese gestures be misunderstood in the U.S.?



The work of psychologist Paul Ekman inspired the Fox television show Lie to Me (on Fox from 2009 to 2011). 

Ekman trains law enforcement authorities to clue in to body language based on his Facial Action Coding (FAC) system, a collection of more than 10,000 combinations of expressions and their relationship to particular emotions.

Review a Scientific American feature on Ekman and Ekman’s website for clues as to how cultures vary



Review the information about nonverbal communication. How do nonverbal communication skills affect confidence?