Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


  1. Assess Your Understanding of Cultural Diversity 
    “The Value of Communication in Cross-Cultural Situations” 
    Description:  Students produced their own video documenting cultural insensitivity. 
  2. Ethnocentrism 
    “How to Improve Intercultural Sensitivity:  Overcome Ethnocentrism Through Avoiding Assumptions” 
    Description:  The lecturer explains the basis of ethnocentric assumptions.


  1. Cultural Identity 
    “The Quest for Cultural Authenticity and the Politics of Identity” 
    Description:  The lecturer covers issues of authenticity in culture and the resistance of cultural invasion.  The themes are explored within the framework of religion, national culture, sexuality, music, and cuisine.

  2. Critical Thinking 
    “Improve Your Study Skills: Critical Thinking” 
    Description:  The speaker discusses critical/creative thinking and how to apply it to problems.

  3. Topic Selection 
    “A Speech Outline for Better Speaking:  Media and Presentation Skills” 
    Description:  The lecturer provides an easy-to-follow description of outlining and presenting your speech.

Web Resources

  1. 1.Hold Yourself Accountable 
    “Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism” 
    Description:  This Cornell University series of exercises helps students understand what plagiarism is and how to keep from plagiarizing. 
  2. Consider Learning Styles 
    “What’s Your Learning Style?  20 Questions” 
    Description:  This fun survey helps students recognize their learning style and its implications for student success. 
  3. Commit to Thinking Critically 
    “Critical Thinking I:  Strategies for Critical Thinking in Learning and Project Management” 
    Description:  The exercise will help students apply a critical thinking approach to the development and understanding of topics.