Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


  1. Select the Best, Save the Best  
    “5 Tips for Using Presentation Aids  
    Description:  The video discusses 5 key points for using presentation aids in speeches.
  2. Use Presentation Aids Strategically 
    “Power Point Presentations”
    Description:  The speaker urges speakers to avoid 9 common presentation mistakes.

  3. The Right Way to Work With Presentation Aids 
    “How to Use Visual Aids in Your Presentations” 
    Description:  Here’s a brief reminder of the role presentation aids play in speeches.


  1. Using Presentation Aids 
    “Designing Effective Visual Aids for Presentations” 
    Description:  This tutorial shows the dos and don’ts of putting together visual aids for presentations.
  2. Using Presentation Aids During Your Speech 
    “Using visual Aids Part I” 
    Description:  The presenters discuss why and how to use visual aids.
  3. Designing the Look 
    “Presentations:  Designing Effective Visual Aids” 
    Description:  This audio link presents how to design effective PowerPoint presentations.

Web Resources

  1. Use Presentation Aids Strategically 
    “Presentation Aids” 
    Description:  This article summarizes the various -kinds of presentation aids, why use them, and includes tips for using them.
  2. Presentation Software 
    “Presentation & visual Aids:  What, Why, How & Software” 
    Description:  This article summarizes the various types of software available for use in speeches.