Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

8.1 Contrast historical and recent views of racial categories and ethnic identities in the United States.

Video Link: A Visual on Race and Ethnicity 
Description: A documentary on race and ethnicity from a sociological perspective created by researchers at the University of Washington.

Audio Link: What's in a Name? Jumping to Conclusions 
Description: Jamaal Allan, a white man, discusses his experience with having a name that causes many to assume he is a Black male.

Web Resource: The Race Card Project 
Description: The website lets people around the world express their experiences or observations about race. However, they can only share one sentence containing six words. More than 50,000 people have participated in the project so far.

8.2  Describe the effects of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and the social construction of difference on majority–minority relations.

Video Link: How Minorities Become the Majority 
Description: CBS reports on census numbers from 2008 that reflect a change in the American classroom.

Audio Link: Does Reading Harry Potter Affect Behavior? 
Description: A research study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology by Loris Vezzali measured children in elementary school, high school, and college on their attitudes before and after reading the Harry Potter series. She observed that children who read and identify with Harry Potter display more positive attitudes toward people from disadvantaged groups.

Web Resource: What is Race? Is Race for Real? 
Description: The Public Broadcasting station explores race, racism and its effects on society through interactive graphs.

8.3 Discuss the foundations of racism, including xenophobia, ethnocentrism, and social structures and institutions.

Video Link: The History of Racism in the United States 
Description: In the interview conducted in Leiden, the Netherlands, in March 2011, Noam Chomsky discusses the history of racism, xenophobia in the United States, and the role politics play on both.

Audio Link: The Fight to Improve Race Relations 
Description: Young working adults from Chicago express their opinions on police brutality, black-on-black crime, the reforms that are taking place in the Department of Justice, and the policies initiated by President Obama.

Web Resource: Reply Rate on Applications with Racial-sounding Names 
Description: A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that after applying to 1,300 classified ads, applicants with Black-sounding names were 50 percent less likely to get a callback than applicants with white-sounding names who have comparable resumes.

8.4 Describe how globalization is affecting ethnic identities, ethnic conflicts, and migrations.

Video Link: Global Migration and Its Problems 
Description: John Slocum, the director of Global Migration and Human Mobility at the MacArthur Foundation, discusses what migration is and the problems that arise due to the lack of international agreements on what rights migrants have. The video also provides a map of global migration and remittances first published in The Economist magazine.

Audio Link: Napali Migrant Workers Issues 
Description: The podcast discusses the kafala sponsorship system used in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, which prevents migrant workers from easily leaving their jobs. A contract system requires workers to remain in the country they're employed for two years.

Web Resource: Bilinguals in the United States 
Description: In United States, English is not considered an official language. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center has found that Latinos are among the fastest growing population in the nation and that bilingualism has the potential to affect future generations.