Video and Multimedia



Radical Women

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements. Compare cognitive liberation and collective consciousness

Description: Accepted polarities are being blurred by women, who preserve traditions for them to achieve success. Kavita Ramda describes the third way women are taking to achieve gender equality.


Watts Riots

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements.

Description: Contemporary news report on the destruction of the Watts section of Los Angeles in riots. The heroic efforts of police and national guard versus hoodlums. “The riots in Los Angeles have written a sorrowful page in U.S. history.” (followed immediately by Watts Riots 2)


Watts Riots.2

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements. Compare cognitive liberation and collective consciousness. Identify the three areas of change for successful reform. movements

Description: A photo documentary on the racial oppression, including police brutality faced by Blacks in the L.A. area, including the incident that sparked the riot.  



Learning Objective:  Compare cognitive liberation and collective consciousness

Description: Franklin McCain describes his participation in the sit-in at the Woolworth’s counter and asked for service. The non-violent strategy of the men who reignited the civil rights movement. Accompanied by photos.


Camila Vallejo

Learning Objective:  Compare cognitive liberation and collective consciousness.

Description: Vice-president of the University of Chile Student Federation, 23-year-old Camila Vallejo has led a campaign for better access to education that began in April 2011. The student movement in Chile opposes neoliberalism and shook the country's elitist democracy. She was voted person of the year in a poll of readers. Spanish with subtitles.


Creative Nonviolent Action

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements.

Description: Use of creative arts for social change is not new, but has used throughout history to create campaigns. Interview by with Nadine Bloch.


United We Serve

Learning Objective:  Explain the relationship between sociology, social movements and social change

Description: PSA for the organization with motivational descriptions of service as uplifting for volunteer and beneficiary.


Eve Ensler 

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements. Identify the three areas of change for successful reform movements.

Description: Ensler started talking to women about vaginas which led to the Vagina Monologues, and efforts to address violence against women, from repression to rape and mutilation. For her, “Happiness exists in action and… in truth.”


Occupy Movement

Learning Objective:  Compare cognitive liberation and collective consciousness.

Description: Democracy Now reports on the spread of “occupy” protestors across the nation.  Wall Street versus the 99 percent.


Richard Reich

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements.

Description: Reich analyzes the persistence of economic inequality as a “war against the poor” with a chalkboard illustration. A promo for the documentary “Inequality for All.”



Black Social Movements

Learning Objective:  Compare cognitive liberation and collective consciousness. Identify the three areas of change for successful reform movements

Description: How civil rights and social justice for Black Americans was inspired from the pulpit. Sermons through history parallel the movement for justice.


Web Resources

Handbook for Activists

Learning Objective:  Explain the relationship between sociology, social movements and social change. Identify the three areas of change for successful reform movements.

Description: A handbook compiled by Charles Dobson, using sociological research, describing the factors that enable social movements to make social change.


Social Media

Learning Objective:  Explain the relationship between sociology, social movements and social change. Identify the three areas of change for successful reform movements.

Description: Analysis and book review by Evgeny Morozov that dethrones the use of the internet as the panacea for social issues. The critical arguments include the benefits of limits to democracy and centralization, arguing that isn’t not always knowledge gaps, but competing interests that stymies solutions.


Methods of Nonviolent Action

Learning Objective:  Distinguish between reform and revolutionary movements. Identify the three areas of change for successful reform movements.

Description: The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict lists hundreds of ways people can engage in peaceful political action.