Video and Multimedia




Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Identify the relationship between education and health.  

Description: Frontline examination of the 2014 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, and the sluggish international response.


Population Growth and Health Care

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Explain the three measures of epidemiology. Identify the relationship between education and health.

Description: Statistician Hans Rosling’s TED talk on the role health care plays in reducing the rate of population growth (The Western Transition Model). Ikea storage boxes and transportation modes indicate a nation’s progress and a visual bubble graph shows how population could stabilize at 9 billion in 2050.



Learning Objective:  Explain the three measures of epidemiology.

Description: Video and text with explanation of the epidemiology and its role from the Center for Disease Control.


Why Universal Health Coverage

Learning Objective:  Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  

Description: Dr. Margaret Chan, head of the World Health Organization explains why universal coverage is important and what WHO can do to help nations implement it.


Affordable Quality Care

Learning Objective:  Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Health care varies between providers, but some are much more costly than others. These physicians and administrators say care can be affordable and high quality.


Health Care Reform

Learning Objective:  Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Resistance to universal health care was not a complete surprise to the Obama administration. The administration’s strategy and deal making passed it after other efforts had failed. Frontline describes the process and the concessions that were made.


The Affordable Care Act

Learning Objective:  Identify the relationship between education and health.

Description: Provisions of the Affordable Care Act explained, including why young people may pay more. The cheerful video doesn’t explain the resistance to the act. 


Inactivity and Health

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Identify the relationship between education and health.

Description: Is sitting the new smoking? The sedentary lifestyle is a part of the job for many people, and others live in areas that are unfriendly to activity. Urban design and work conditions may create, or at least intensify, this social problem.


Victoria Hale

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Explain the three measures of epidemiology.

Description: Why do some places have drugs for most diseases, while in underdeveloped nations children die of dehydrating diarrhea? That question woke pharmaceutical scientist Hale up, and inspired her to found a non-profit company that researches orphan diseases, or disease where drugs will not make a profit.


Health Disparities

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Awards go to pilot project where researchers look for the causes of the higher rates of a wide range of diseases that disproportionately affect minorities. The awards give a jump start to researchers who can then move successful research to higher funding levels.



Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Identify the relationship between education and health. Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Child narrates this video encouraging parents to investigate low-cost or free health coverage for their children.



Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Identify the relationship between education and health. Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Explains the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Brookings Institute “blackboard” type illustration. Who is eligible for each program, and who is benefitted. What level of government pays for the programs.



Health Care Reform

Learning Objective:  Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  

Description: AMA is not the most powerful voice in health care, but Obama sought their support for passage of the health care initiative. Doctors are concerned about how payments will be divided between primary and specialty care physicians.


U.S. health falls behind

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Explain the three measures of epidemiology. Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  

Description: The U.S. is not as healthy as 16 other wealthy countries, according to a study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences. Research points to fewer doctors, less comprehensive health care and fragmented management of chronic disease as a large part of the reason.


Web Resources

Population Clock

Learning Objective:  Explain the three measures of epidemiology.

Description: The U.S. Census clock with World population data links.


Global Health Coverage

Learning Objective:  Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.   

Description: Universal health coverage is a goal in many nations. Describes the characteristics and elements of universal health care: “a strong, efficient, well-run health system; a system for financing health services; access to essential medicines and technologies; a sufficient capacity of well-trained, motivated health workers.” Links lead to specific information. 


Rising Health Care Costs

Learning Objective:  Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.   Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Forbes magazine analysis of the cause of rising health care costs: medical technology, hospital overhead and administration costs, and the high cost of treating chronic disease. The health disparities experienced by racial and ethnic groups is another factor driving costs.


Health Care for Immigrants

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Legal status, income level, residency time, and enrollment periods impact non-citizens who want to get coverage through the government’s marketplace. Community clinics are the option for families who don’t meet these qualifications.


Migrant Health Care

Learning Objective:  Describe the social determinants of health. Describe how the different sociological perspectives address problems related to health and medicine.  Identify the relationship between education and health. Summarize the different models of health care in the U.S.

Description: Undocumented migrants use less health care than others, which can allow medical problems to get more serious. Fears of being reported keep them away from the care they are eligible for.