Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

Video 1: Trapped in Unemployment

Description: Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes discusses the challenges of long-term unemployment.

Video 2: Generation Jobless: “Millennials” Struggle with Unemployment

Description: After the recession, many young people faced grim job prospects. This PBS segment includes the stories of some millennials struggling with unemployment.

Video 3: The Decline of Unions in the United States

Description: This video summarizes the factors that have led to union decline in the United States in recent years.


Audio Links

Audio 1: As the Gig Economy Grows, Advocates Raise Concern about Workers’ Safety

Description: In recent years, the gig economy has continued to expand. Worker advocates are concerned about safety conditions in many of these jobs, especially since many do not come with benefits.

Audio 2: Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend on the Economy

Description: This clip explores the ways that the economy influences sense of wellbeing.


Article Link

Article 1: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Description: The BLS provides a variety of resources about work and the economy.