Discussion Questions

  1. Divorce rates are now declining alongside marriage rates. Does this surprise students? Is marriage important? Why or why not?

  2. The U.S. teen birthrate is the highest in the developed world. There are no federal laws in the United States that require sexual health education in schools like, for example, in France and Australia, which have much lower rates of teen pregnancy. Should sex education be mandatory in the U.S. public school system? Why or why not? In what grade should sex education start? Why?

  3. Researchers have different opinions about the changes that have taken place in regards to families in the United States. One view is that the family is deteriorating since family members spend fewer hours together due to outside obligations. Another view is that the family unit changes as our society changes. Finally, another view is that the family is stronger than ever, as families make sure the time spent together is quality time. Discuss with the class which view students take and why.

  4. Ask the class which trends, in regard to the family they think, have increased (i.e. cohabitation rates) and which trends have decreased (i.e. marriage) in the past 50 years. Then, discuss with the class why these trends have taken place. Ask them to predict what changes they believe will take place in the future.