Internet and Community Exercises

These quick exercises provide an opportunity for students to interact with the local community and to continue research of topics discussed throughout the chapter.

  1. Investigate the history of women’s peace movements through the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, established in 1930 by Jane Addams of Hull House in Chicago. Current women’s peace organizations include CODEPINK and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. The site for the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom also lists state branches.

  2. Investigate a peace and social justice organization on your campus. How many students and faculty members belong to it? What activities does the organization sponsor? If your campus does not have such an organization, can you determine why this is the case?

  3. Select a country (other than the United States) and research whether peace or social justice organizations exist on university campuses. Examine one organization’s mission and activities. What similarities and differences can you identify between this organization and the one based on your own campus?