Video and Multimedia

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Jails in the Past
Video Link:

This PBS video about the Tower of London and its various purposes, including as an infamous prison.

  1. The Tower of London was large and central in the city. What does this reveal about jails and punishment during its use?


Metropolitan Jail Systems
Web Link:

This Atlantic article discusses how Cook County Jail is aiming to treat mentally ill inmates.

  1. What factors contribute to the large number of mentally ill inmates in jail?
  2. How is Cook County Jail addressing mental health issues?
  3. What actions can be taken to address mental health and corrections?


Jail as Short-Term Institutions
Audio Link:

NPR story about Kalief Browder's 3-year stay in jail while awaiting trial.

  1. What does Kalief Browder’s story reveal about complications with jail as short-term institutions?
  2. How can pretrial holdings jeopardize the notion of “innocent until proven guilty”?


Jails and Immigration Detention
Web Link:

This New York Times Op-Ed piece discusses civil rights concerns around partnerships between local law enforcement and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

  1. Why do the authors express concern about the relationship between local law enforcement agencies and ICE?
  2. How do instances such as those Mr. Fugon-Cano and Mr. Barahona-Sanchez experienced affect relationships between communities and law enforcement?
  3. How can local law enforcement agencies create policies and practices to ensure civil rights are upheld?


Health Care in Jails
Web Link:

This NPR article documents how health care copays can financially harm inmates.

  1. What are the implications of health care copays in prison?
  2. What does this article reveal about jail populations?
  3. What does this article reveal about correctional systems’ expenses and revenues?


Specialized Types of Jail Sentences
Video Link:

This PBS Newshour video discusses the fiscal implications for how people end up in jail for minor offenses.

  1. How do people end up in jail for minor offenses?