Chapter Activities

These lively and stimulating ideas for use in and out of class reinforce active learning. The activities apply to individual or group projects.

16-1:  Discuss constitutional aspects and case law rulings on the death penalty.

  1. Documentation:  In groups of 3-5, outline case law rulings on the death penalty in chronological order. Note which cases have contradicted and/or clarified each another. Discuss what the contradictions and/or clarifications reveal about evolving perspectives of application of the death penalty and its constitutionality.
  2. Writing:  What is one case listed here that you find most surprising or interesting? Research that case and in 800-1000 words, explain the details of the case and your personal reaction to it.

16-2:  Analyze the various statistics associated with the death penalty and those who have received this sentence.

  1. Documentation:  In groups of 3-5, trace federal legislation regarding the death penalty and federal application of the death penalty during the 20th Century.
  2. Writing:  The death penalty, like other aspects of criminal justice discussed in previous chapters, disproportionately affects African-Americans and low-income people. Do you think there is reason to be concerned about equitable justice under the law in the U.S.? Why or why not? Consider relevant statistics and court cases, and discuss in 1000-1200 words.

16-3:  List the various methods of execution used in the United States.

  1. Documentation:  In groups of 4-6, research methods of the death penalty used in early corrections, as discussed in previous chapters. Discuss similarities and differences between historical and modern capital punishments.
  2. Writing:  Research methods of execution, if any, used in your state. Discuss the history and application in 500-800 words.

16-4:  Discuss the various controversial issues associated with the death penalty.

  1. Documentation:  Recently, other countries that manufacture chemicals have refused to sell them to the U.S. in opposition to the death penalty. In groups of 3-5, outline 5 implications of this international action. Present to the class.
  2. Writing:  Has this chapter changed your perspective on the application of the death penalty? Discuss why or why not in 800-1000 words.

16-5:  Identify the common philosophies related to the use of the death penalty.

  1. Debate:  In groups of 4-6, debate for and against the death penalty using deterrence, retribution, and arbitrariness in your stances.
  2. Writing:  Imagine there is a referendum to abolish the death penalty in your state. Based on research and cases presented here, would you vote to abolish the death penalty or to maintain its application? Discuss in 500-800 words.

16-6:  Evaluate some of the correctional challenges associated with death row inmates.

  1. Documentation:  In groups of 3-5, outline major research done on correctional aspects of the death penalty, the findings of this research, and remaining questions that research might answer.
  2. Writing:  Research shows that death row causes languish to both inmates and staff. In 500-800 words, discuss the implications of this for the corrections profession and how it can be addressed.