Video Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
- Introduction to Research Ethics and ERGO
Introduction to Research Ethics and ERGO in Educational Research with Dr. John Schultz.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO 4-1; List and describe ethical responsibilities of researchers when conducting research with human participants
- Research Ethics
This video discusses research ethics. Yale School of Medicine Professor Robert Levine helped craft guidelines that are still used to protect human subjects.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO 4-2; Apply these guidelines for ethical research behavior in the development of research studies
- People Matter: The Future of Research Ethics
In this new People Matter Project video, we call to institutions and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to think creatively about how to conduct trustworthy research in this changing climate
Relevant Learning Objective: LO 4-5; Describe the purposes and functions of an institutional review board
- The Ethics of Research and Publishing Video Series
The Ethics Education Committee of the Academy of Management presents The Ethics of Research and Publishing Video Series. This eight part series explores questions in academic research and publishing on the topics of Authorship, Plagiarism, Slicing the Data in Publications, Publishing in Journals, Conference Papers and Presentations, Reporting Research, Reviewing Manuscripts, and Global Ethics in Publishing.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO 4-1; List and describe ethical responsibilities of researchers when conducting research with human participants