Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

Video 1: The Importance of Statistics

Description: In this 2:26 clip, ideas of the broad importance of statistics in a variety of disciplines are presented.

Video 2: Big Bang Theory and Hypothesis Testing

Description: In this 0:53 clip, a brief experiment is conducted on whether or not Howard always discusses his experiences on the space station.

Video 3: Monty Python and Research Design

Description: In this 5:27 clip, examples from the Monty Python and the Holy Grail are used to illustrate the principles of hypothesis testing.

Audio Link

Audio 1: What Makes Us Fat: Is It Eating Too Much Or Moving Too Little?

Description: In this 3:36 NPR story, data analysis is used to try to understand the obesity epidemic in America. Specifically, it looks at food consumption and activity as two hypotheses, and examines how to understand the interplay of both.