Video and Multimedia

Video Resources

1. Collective Security 1935
Description: This is a brief segment from a 1935 newsreel featuring Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Foreign Minister, speaking about Britain’s commitment to collective security through national defense and support of the League of Nations.

2. Appeasement
Description: This video includes footage of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announcing that an agreement had been signed with Adolf Hitler—the most noted example of appeasement in modern times.

3. Bruce Thornton—The Wages of Appeasement
Description: In this Hoover Institution interview, Prof. Bruce Thornton discusses historical examples of the strategy of appeasement (beyond the Munich Crisis of 1938), from ancient Greek city-states to Saigon, Teheran, and even New York City.

4. Timothy Snyder Discusses ‘Bloodlands” at The Ukrainian Museum of Modern Art
Description: This presentation by Prof. Timothy Snyder, a historian, discusses the mass killings perpetrated in the Eastern European “bloodlands”—the area between Berlin and Moscow—by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Web Resources

1. World War Two
Description: This multimedia, interactive site-sponsored by the BBC contains photo galleries, audio clips, and numerous articles about World War II.

2. D-Day
Description: This PBS website accompanies a documentary on D-Day and contains maps, a timeline, interviews with D-Day participants, and letters from soldiers.