Answers to in-text Questions

Caption Answer
How might the development of each patient--provider relational identity facilitate this patient's disclosure about his concerns to his therapist? What are the risks of each approach?  A machine-mechanic relationship may allow the therapist to quickly narrow in on the patient’s concerns, but minimizing patient activities may overlook deeper or even the actual problems. A children-parents relationship may provide comfort to some patients but again may cause a provider to miss fundamental problems. A consumer relationship will increase patient activity and involvement, but sometimes providers know best. A partner relationship will allow patients and providers to work together to solve the problem. It may take additional time and work but is often worth the extra efforts.
Elderly patients or those undergoing complex treatments sometimes have difficulty remembering the regimen of pills and medications they should take. How could a physician facilitate a patient's adherence to the prescribed treatment?  Effective patient-provider relationships increase the likelihood that patients will adhere to treatments. Specifically, patient-provider interactions that include clear treatment information, agreement about treatment options, patient participation, and provider empathy and encouragement will increase the likelihood that patients will follow treatment regimens and other lifestyle recommendations.
In what ways can relationships support a patient's health? Benefits received through social support can be linked to specific types of support. Action-facilitating support can provide information to increase knowledge and understanding of health issues as well as assistance with tasks. Nurturing support can enable people to express feelings and have those feelings validated as well as enhance self-image and esteem.
In what ways do people use the Internet in connection with health issues? The Internet is used to seek out information regarding health issues, as a coping mechanism, and as a source of support.