Answers to in-text Questions

Caption Answer
Is the connection between relationships and communication really significant?  Yes. Relationships would not exist without communication, and communication would not be nearly as important without relationships. Significant parts of every individual's life take place through routine, seemingly mundane everyday communication.
Is communication simply the exchange of messages?  No. While it does include the exchange of messages, that explanation is far too simple. Communication involves the exchange of symbols, so miscommunication can occur if there is not agreement on these symbols. Further, communication as the exchange of messages does not account for feedback, noise, or the two-way nature of communication. 
As close to a moose placed on a pole as we are going to get, this particular traffic sign is actually warning motorists of a moose crossing rather than instructing them to stop. Are traffic signs really signs, or are they symbols?  Traffic signs are symbols because there is no direct connection between that symbol and the particular behavior they are communicating to drivers (or pedestrians). 
What type of communication context involves physical locations?  The physical context, or the actual location in which a symbol is used.
Many conversations between close friends are "framed" by previous experiences and conversations--hence, the phrase "frame of reference." In what ways can you deduce that these women are friends and that they therefore share some history together that frames their interaction?  The women are probably old friends as demonstrated by their physical closeness, close gaze, mirroring of posture (all holding their glasses with both hands at about the same height), and obvious enjoyment of the conversation. The fact that the speaker is looking at the listener while talking from such a close distance is a sign of intimacy. 
Would sending a text message be considered an act, an interaction, or a transaction?  Sending the text message would be an act.