SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 15

    Article 1: Tormala, Z. L., & Clarkson, J. J. (2007). Assimilation and contrast in persuasion: the effects of source credibility in multiple message situations. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 33(4), 559–571. doi:10.1177/0146167206296955

    Questions that apply to this article:

    1. The authors remind us that “source credibility refers to the perceived expertise and trustworthiness of the source of a persuasive message (e.g., Kelman & Hovland, 1953). In general, the more expert and trustworthy the source of a message is perceived to be, the greater persuasive impact his or her message will exert.” Why is it that credibility is so very important in the success of persuasive messages?
    2. Duck and McMahan have covered assimilation and contrast in the chapter. Tormala and Clarkson also discuss the concepts, noting that “one might judge a target individual to be more (contrast) or less (assimilation) trustworthy after exposure to another individual who is very untrustworthy.” How do you just those who try to persuade you? Do you use assimilation the contrast when judging?
    3. Read the conclusion section of the article. Do you agree that prior messages affect the perception of target messages? Why do you think this might or might not be?


    Article 2:  Greer, R. R. (2010). Reporting Results to a Skeptical Audience: A Case Study on Incorporating Persuasive Strategies in Assessment Reports. The American Review of Public Administration, 41(5), 577–591. doi:10.1177/0275074010382183

    Questions that apply to this article:

    1. The author argues that without a comprehensive and clear framework for understanding the legitimate role of all three strategies—logos, ethos, and pathos—organizations may be missing opportunities to persuade audiences. How do you see Aristotle’s proofs as applicable to an organization persuading its stakeholders (employees, stockholders, and others)?
    2. The authors suggest that Aristotle considered logos (rational appeal, or the argument itself) as the most important of the three strategies, but he also recognized ethos and pathos as necessary to achieve effective persuasion. Are you more easily persuaded by logos?
    3. Find the author’s discussion of her conclusion(s) regarding her study. Do you agree with the potential applications of Aristotle’s proofs in the workplace context?