Web Resources

Web Links

  1. U.S. Department of Justice: Identity Theft and Identity Fraud. Examine the details about identify theft. According to this chapter, is identity theft possible?  In what sense?
  2. Erving Goffman  Website on the life and work of Erving Goffman.
  3. Mind Hacks: PR for the Self Website on managing your identity in social networks


  1. This blog site addresses self-disclosure The blog suggests that “One of the main reasons we engage in self-disclosure is because of how it affects other people’s perceptions of us, and indeed, our perceptions of other people.” How does the information in this blog tie together with the idea of self-disclosure?
  2. This site allows you to take various tests to assess different aspects of your identity http://www.queendom.com/
  3. This site gives therapeutic advice on whether to self-disclose and the associated ethics issues:  http://www.zurinstitute.com/selfdisclosure1.html