Discussion Questions

1. What is your opinion of cognitive treatment approaches? Are faulty cognitions the root of all psychopathology? Provide explanations for your responses.

2. In your opinion, are some beliefs or cognitions too sacred for psychologists to challenge? If so, which types of beliefs (religious, cultural, political, personal, and other)?

3. If an individual experiences cognitive distortions in which he interprets events in an illogically optimistic fashion, should this individual receive cognitive therapy? Are all cognitive distortions psychologically unhealthy?

4. In your opinion, what is the most essential component of the success of mindfulness- and acceptance-based psychotherapies?

5. Cognitive techniques proposed by Beck and Ellis may appear very rational and formulaic to some patients, particularly when the idea of completing “worksheets” is introduced in therapy. How might you infuse elements of humanism when treating a patient with cognitive techniques, such as completing an ABCDE chart?

6. Cognitive therapy heavily utilizes homework. How might cognitive techniques be modified for a patient who does not like to complete homework or believes that he should be doing therapeutic work only during appointments?

7. Briefly consider your exposure to mindfulness outside of this course. It is a buzzword at present—has that been your experience?