Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

  • Secret to Great Public Speaking 
    In this TED Talk, TED Curator Chris Anderson talks about the secrets to great public speaking. As covered in the textbook, there is no single "right" way to make a presentation, but what can this talk show us about presenting our speech effectively?

Audio Links

  • Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking 
    In this NPR podcast, filmmaker Keva Rosenfeld discovers ways to reduce anxiety and fear related to public speaking. How can you use what she learned in your own presentations?

Web Resources

  •  Using Visual Aids 
    This website from the University of Pittsburgh contains helpful reminders for how and when to best use visual aids. How can these aids help you deliver the most effective presentation?
  • Toastmasters - Using Gestures  
    This website from Toastmasters International complies a variety of hints and tips for effectively using gestures and body language in your presentations.
  • 30 Ways To Manage Speaking Anxiety 
    This website from the University of Iowa provides 30 practical ways to help you overcome the nervousness associated with speaking publically.