Answers to in-text Questions

Caption  Answer 
Enabling someone to talk about a problem or concern is known as what type of listening?  Enabling someone to talk about a problem or concern is known as therapeutic listening. 
Customer service representatives often appear to be listening actively, but they do not really understand the point of view of the customer. If they attempted to make a personal connection with the customer and actively worked to create shared understanding, what type of listening would they be doing?  If they did attempt to make a personal connection and worked to create shared understanding, they would likely be using engaged listening. 
Are there some types of relationships or areas of life that do not require critical evaluation?  No. All relationships and even the most mundane parts of life require critical evaluation.
Why are wandering thoughts so common?  Listeners are able to process information at a faster rate than people generally speak.Wandering thoughts are so common because we can process words much faster than they can be spoken, making it easy for us to lose foc