Answers to in-text Questions

Caption  Answer 
What social influence may be influencing the use of technology in this picture?  The generations in which these gentlemen were born will likely influence their perceptions and use of technology. Their current work or school status will likely also play a role. 
Do you think using the Internet as a family will become a shared media experience like watching television as a family?  While using the internet as a family may be more difficult than watching television together, this is slowly changing. For example, many people use streaming internet services to watch films and programs instead of television.
In what ways could the use of a smartphone create share experiences?  Smartphones can create shared experiences though the ability to communicate and connect with them (IM, text, video chat, etc). Further, individuals can send one another links, videos, memes, etc. in order to share these experiences even if they are not in the same physical location.
What activities are related to identity construction on social networking sites such as Facebook?  Social networking sites are used to establish and maintain relationships, as well as create identities.
In what ways does a webcam affect the nature of online communication?  Webcams increase the richness of online interaction by increasing the number of nonverbal cues available. They also enable online communication to become more synchronous.