Video and Multimedia



Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Learning Objective: Explain the expansion of the rights and recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S.

Description: The repeal allowed gays in the military to be open about their sexual preference and continue to serve.


Gay Lifestyle

Learning Objective : Explain the expansion of the rights and recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S.

Description: With a large dose of humor LZ Granderson describes the “dangerous” gay lifestyle using the U.S. Constitution and generally accepted norms.


Matthew Shepard

Learning Objective:  Describe how each sociological perspective addresses sexual orientation and inequality.

Description: U.S. Legislation on Homosexuality. Judy Shepard describes her gay son, who was beaten and left for dead in 1998, and her subsequent activism for civil rights. 2008 Rocky Mountain News production


Marriage Equality

Learning Objective:  Explain the expansion of the rights and recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S.

Description: ABC news report on President Obama’s announcement that he now supports same sex marriage. Made prior to the 2012 election, they discuss the political ramifications.


Children of Same-Sex Parents

Learning Objective:  Examine whether children raised by gay or lesbian parents have different life outcomes compared to children raised by heterosexual parents. Describe how each sociological perspective addresses sexual orientation and inequality. Explain the expansion of the rights and recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S.

Description: Zach Wahls had two moms, and spoke to the Iowa State legislature on his upbringing before they were to vote on a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. His speech made national news, but mysteriously they are often muted on YouTube.


Dan Savage  

Learning Objective:  Describe how each sociological perspective addresses sexual orientation and inequality.

Description: Part of the “It Gets Better” project that encourages young homosexuals to stay alive and look to a better future as they grow into adulthood. A male couple talks about the difficulties of their high school years and the joys of their current life.



Employment Discrimination

Learning Objective:  Explain the expansion of the rights and recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S.

Description: For the first time, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission is investigating claims of discrimination by LGBT persons. Discussion of the rights of religious organizations versus businesses to discriminate.


Web Resources

Anti-homosexual Bill

Learning Objective:  Explain the expansion of the rights and recognition of same-sex couples in the U.S.

Description: A bill that imposed strict penalties on gay Ugandans was struck down by the courts because it had been passed in a legislative session lacking quorum. Homosexuality is still illegal, as it is in many other African nations.


School Bullying and Suicide

Learning Objective:  Describe how each sociological perspective addresses sexual orientation and inequality

Description: Addressing bullying of gay students has been inadequate in many schools and is getting more attention as the number of suicides grows. A number of student deaths and school programs are profiled by NBC. Video links are available.