Video and Multimedia



A More Perfect Union

Learning Objective: Identify the different types of institutional discrimination; Summarize how the sociological perspectives explain problems related to race and ethnicity

Description: Barack Obama speech addressing race during his first presidential campaign, calling for U.S. residents to move beyond racial division.


Brown vs. Board

Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

Description: Story of the legal battle to end “separate but equal” from PBS special The Supreme Court. The court found that “…separate education facilities are inherently unequal.”


Approaches to Immigration

Learning Objective:  Describe the impact of immigrant or illegal workers in the labor force

Description: With federal immigration reform deadlocked, two New Jersey towns chose radically different ways to address immigrants. One, “a sanctuary,” emphasizes civil rights; the other seeks greater power to address illegal immigrants.


Hispanic America

Learning Objective:  Describe the impact of immigrant or illegal workers in the labor force

Description: Bill Moyers interviews award winning Spanish-language journalists on the nature of the Hispanic/Latino community and its growing influence.


White Privilege

Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

Description:  Storyteller Phyllis Unterschuuetz tells the meaning of white privilege in the differences between raising a white boy and a black boy.


Race as Construction

Learning Objective:  Summarize how the sociological perspectives explain problems related to race and ethnicity

Description: Tim Wise describes the racial divide beginning with the division of African and European indentured servants into free laborer and slave in the U.S. South. 


Rosa Parks

Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

Description: Rosa Parks gives little known details of her act of non-violent resistance on the bus in Montgomery in 1956. The extent of segregation by law is illuminated in her simple description.



Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

Description: PBS special, “A Class Divided,” on the Iowa teacher who divided her all white class by eye-color, where only one eye color was “good.” Includes the original lesson, interviews of those students 17 years later and the same lesson taught to adults. Divided into chapters for viewing.




Protesting Police Brutality

Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

Description: At the end of 2014, demonstrators across the nation protested the deaths of black men and boys after altercations with police. Interviews with marchers reveal why they came out to demand fair treatment.


Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

The Color Line

Description: The black children who broke the color line in Southern schools recall their traumatic experiences. Even after being driven from all-white schools, they found some victory in their disturbing experiences.


Arizona’s Immigration Law

Learning Objective:  Describe the impact of immigrant or illegal workers in the labor force

Description: NPR report on the options of undocumented immigrants who fear deportation after laws tighten.


Web Resources

America’s Racial Illiteracy

Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination

Description: Salon opinion piece by Robin DiAngelo, PhD. White Americans take their privileges for granted, but social justice perspective asks them for more. Moving from defending white privilege to challenging institutional racism is about identity changing.


Black Men and Police

Learning Objective:  Identify the different types of institutional discrimination; Summarize how the sociological perspectives explain problems related to race and ethnicity

Description: Mother Jones Magazine article on the study of implicit racism, and how it contributes to police shootings of unarmed black men.


Implicit Racism Test

Learning Objective:  Summarize how the sociological perspectives explain problems related to race and ethnicity

Description: Using positive/negative word association with Black and White faces, the speed of one’s learning is an indicator of implicit beliefs. Select the Race test to measure hidden racial preferences (other implicit attitude tests are available).


Disciplining Black Male Students

Learning Objective: 

Description: Young Black students are disciplined at much higher rates and receive more severe punishments than other students.