Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

  • “Tiger Cub” Discusses Book Uproar with “Tiger Mom”
    JuJu Chang and Amy Chua discuss Chua’s book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Response to Chua’s book has been divided, with many praising her “Chinese” parenting and others charging that this form of mothering is actually abusive. Chua says that both her book and her approach to child rearing have been misunderstood. 




  • Inside the Teenage Brain
    Neuroscientists are learning more about the ways in which our brains work and finding provocative explanations for why adolescents think and act in the ways they do. Many of their findings draw attention to the importance of strong family bonds and social relationships for adolescents’ individual development. 


  • Things I Don’t Understand About Girls by Jenna Marbles
    Jenna Marbles has developed a large online following, largely as result of her frank discussions about gender and sex. In this video, Jenna discusses the seemingly peculiar things that women do, such as “goo hoarding”—acquiring and keeping numerous beauty products like shampoo and lip gloss. Warning: contains language that some may find offensive. 


Audio Links


  • This American Life 137: The Book That Changed Your Life
    Socialization is defined as the process through which one learns how to act according to the rules and expectations of a particular culture. Various people, social institutions, and material culture, such as books, influence the socialization process for each individual. This program is based on the stories of people who believe a book changed their life. It's a romantic notion, and one reason we believe it is because we want to believe our lives can be changed by something so simple as an idea — or a set of ideas—contained in a book.


Web Resources

Professional Resources

  • Fashion Victims
    This article from Contexts examines the results of a survey that was conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan that entailed questioning citizens of several Muslim countries regarding their opinions as to the clothing they believe women should wear. This article highlights the significance of gender messages that may be obtained by the clothing that women and men wear.
  • How to Escape From a Cult in the 21st Century
    This article from Pacific Standard magazine describes the message behind the “Holy Hell” documentary which takes a look at the Buddhafield religious group. This article highlights the process of resocialization that takes place when an individual joins a cult.

Data Resources

  • Religious Landscape Study (RLS)
    The RLS, conducted by the Pew Research Center, surveys more than 35,000 Americans from all 50 states about their religious affiliations, beliefs and practices, and social and political views.
  • National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
    The General Social Survey (GSS): The GSS is a regular, ongoing omnibus personal interview survey of U.S. households conducted by the NORC. The first survey took place in 1972, and since then, more than 40,000 respondents have answered more than 3,500 different questions. From Americans’ racial attitudes to the number of guns owned by women to musical preferences over a lifetime, the GSS measures the trends in American attitudes, experiences, practices, and concerns (self-characterization). 

Other Resources

  • The Social Psychology Network
    The Social Psychology Network is the largest social psychology database on the Internet (self-description).
  • Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace
    Michael Kearl’s Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace: Social Psychology.
  • Intersex Society of North America
    How many sexes are there and why? The reality of anatomical hermaphrodites or “intersex” persons force us to confront this question. 
  • Much stereotypical gender role socialization takes place through the medium of popular culture. Consider how boys and girls are differentially socialized at the following websites:
  • Implicit Association Test
    “It is well known that people don't always 'speak their minds', and it is suspected that people don't always 'know their minds.' Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology. This website presents a method that demonstrates the conscious–unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test, or IAT for short.”