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Video Links

A Hidden Life
In 2005, Jim West, Spokane’s conservative mayor, was publicly disgraced after a newspaper ran a series of articles alleging that he had not only engaged in homosexual activity but that he had committed acts of sexual abuse and misused his political office. This program explores the complicated story of West’s seemingly “double” life and raises uneasy questions about the distinctions between “personal” and “public” personas in the digital age.

Growing Up Online
Jessica Hunter developed an online persona for herself that bore little resemblance to the one she presented at school. Online she was known as model and artist, Autumn Edows. This program explores the reasons she created an alternate identity and how she feels about that identity. Her experience raises questions about authenticity and whether there is in fact such a thing as a “real” or “true” self.

Audio Links

Future Self
This episode of Invisibilia discusses the implications of goals and dreams that we have for the future. How do these relate to the presentation of self.

Psychologist Helps San Quentin Prisoners Find Freedom Through Self-Reflection
By encouraging prisoners to get to know themselves, Jacques Verduin hopes he can promote accountability and combat recidivism.

Web Resources

Sociology of Emotions
Although it is not their exclusive interest, members of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Section on the Sociology of Emotions often study self-presentation issues.

Advertising Age
Much commercial advertising (print and broadcast) is aimed at selling “images” as much as selling “products.” Consumption of the product being advertised ties the consumer to a particular image being sold. Advertising Age is a trade magazine for those working in the advertising industry and is considered a preeminent source of marketing, advertising and media news, information and analysis.

One major way in which people manage other’s impressions is through body modification, notably but not exclusively cosmetic (“plastic”) surgery. The following groups promote this practice.

The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance is a nonprofit human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA has been working since 1969 to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support (self-characterization).