Multimedia Resources

Video Links

Living Old
With advances in science and technology, people in the U.S. are living longer and the “old” account for a large and growing segment of the population. This will present new challenges for society, in particular how we will care for those who are physically frail and who may have diminished mental and/or physical capacities and so need assistance. This program considers the increasing demand for caregivers and the decline in the number of those able and willing to assume these roles

Population Pyramids: Powerful Predictors of the Future
This video explores demographic trends in various countries around the world.

Audio Links

How U.S. Demographic Changes Explain Election Results
Domenico Montanaro and Asma Khalid analyze the connection between the changing demography of the United States and the results of the 2016 Election.

The Challenges Posed by an Aging Global Population
In the United States and around the world, populations are aging quickly. How will societies change to care for the elderly?

Web Links

Population Reference Bureau
The PRB includes many resources for analyzing worldwide populations and variables.

Watch population trends change over time. Explore using a variety of variables.