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Essentials of Econometrics
Fifth Edition
Damodar N. Gujarati
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The Nature and Scope of Econometrics
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Basic Ideas of Linear Regression: The Two-Variable Model
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The Two-Variable Model: Hypothesis Testing
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Multiple Regression: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
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Functional Forms of Regression Models
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Qualitative or Dummy Variable Regression Models
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Model Selection: Criteria and Tests
Excel data files of the tables from the book
Multicollinearity: What Happens if Explanatory Variables are Correlated?
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Heteroscedasticity: What Happens if the Error Variance is Nonconstant?
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Autocorrelation: What Happens if Error Terms are Correlated?
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Elements of Time-Series Econometrics
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Panel Data Regression Models
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Excel data files of the tables from the book
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the tables