Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

Learning Objective: 12.5: Describe the major types of governmental systems in operation today.

12.2 Capitalism and Socialism

Neil Sroka (Democracy for America Communications) joins John to argue the need for more socialism, while economist Ivan Pongracic (Hillsdale College) explains why such a path is folly.

Learning Objective: 12.6: Provide examples of the threats political systems can face from internal and external groups vying for power.

12.1 Climate Change

The film examines some of the key moments that have shaped the politics of global warming, and how local and state governments and the private sector are now taking bold steps in the absence of federal leadership.

12.3 The United States and Iran

Through interviews with key players on both sides, FRONTLINE traces the tumultuous history of U.S.-Iran relations since 9/11—from unprecedented early cooperation in Afghanistan, to the growing crisis over Iran’s nuclear ambitions and Tehran’s open threats to drive America out of the Middle East.


Audio Links

Learning Objective: 12.1: Describe the sociological definition of power.

12.1 Kid Politics

What if, say, the U.S.-led invasion of Grenada in 1983 had been decided, not by Ronald Reagan, but by a bunch of middle-schoolers? And what if every rule at your high school had been determined, not by teachers and administrators, but entirely by teenagers? This podcast examines when it comes to governing, do kids do any better than grown-ups?

Learning Objective: 12.4: Explain why some people participate in political systems and others do not.

12.2 Swing Voters

Everyone knows that politics is now so divided in our country that not only do the two sides disagree on the solutions to the country’s problems, they do not even agree on what the problems are. It is two versions of the world in collision. This week we hear from people who have seen this infect their personal lives.

Learning Objective: 12.6: Provide examples of the threats political systems can face from internal and external groups vying for power.

12.3 Iraq After the United States

Operation Iraqi Freedom is over. And the next chapter of Iraq is being written now. But what actually happened there the last seven years? Producer Nancy Updike and reporter Larry Kaplow spent a month in Iraq talking to Iraqis and Americans about the war that tore the country apart, and what is happening as we try to put it back together.


Web Resources

Learning Objective: 12.3: Compare the key points of the pluralist and elite theories of power.

12.4 Females in Politics

This article from Pacific Standard Magazine examines females who are in the political world and how the relationships they create can be functional for them.

Learning Objective: 12.5: Describe the major types of governmental systems in operation today.

12.2 Politics

This website from CNN contains information about the most up-to-date information regarding the world of U.S. politics.

12.3 Government

This article from Contexts magazine examines a new type of government created by Joyce Rothschild entitled Democracy 2.0 and describes the details of this concept.

Learning Objective: 12.6: Provide examples of the threats political systems can face from internal and external groups vying for power.

12.1 Khmer Rouge Revolution

This articles examines the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia which lasted from 1975 to 1979 and claimed the lives of up to 2 million people.