Our Social World: Condensed: Introduction to Sociology
Video and Multimedia
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Video Links
Learning Objective: 11.2: Illustrate how health issues impact us at the micro, meso, and macro levels.
11.1 AIDS
Through interviews with AIDS researchers, world leaders, activists, and patients, FRONTLINE investigates the science, politics, and human cost of this fateful disease and asks: What are the lessons of the past, and what can be done to stop AIDS?
11.2 Health Care System
This video from Ted Talks features Rebecca Onie who discusses our healthcare system
And asks the question: What if our healthcare system worked at keeping us healthy?
Learning Objective: 11.3: Use the symbolic interaction perspective to show that illness is a social construction.
In this Ted Talk, Ivan Oransky asks if we are over-medicalized.
Learning Objective: 11.6: Describe how globalization influences health care issues at micro, meso, and macro levels.
11.3 Zika Virus
Dr. Bergman shows the facts and research behind the Zika virus and explains why you should not believe everything you hear on the media.
Audio Links
Learning Objective: 11.1: Provide examples of health at the societal level.
11.1 Health Care System
An hour explaining the American health care system, specifically, why it is that costs keep rising. One story looks at the doctors, one at the patients and one at the insurance industry.
Learning Objective: 11.2: Illustrate how health issues impact us at the micro, meso, and macro levels.
11.3 Disabililty Payments
The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. There are towns and counties around the nation where almost 1/4 of adults are on disability. Chana Joffe-Walt spent 6 months exploring the disability program, and emerges with a story of the U.S. economy quite different than the one we have been hearing.
Learning Objective: 11.3: Use the symbolic interaction perspective to show that illness is a social construction.
11.2 Homosexuality and Mental Illness
The story of how the American Psychiatric Association decided in 1973 that homosexuality was no longer a mental illness.
Web Resources
Learning Objective: 11.1: Provide examples of health at the societal level.
11.2 Canadian Healthcare
This website provides information regarding Canada’s health care system which is comprised of socialized health care plans which provides coverage to all Canadian citizens.
11.4 Mental Health Care Coverage
This article from Pacific Standard Magazine focuses on the fact that despite progress being made in regards to coverage being provided by the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans who have mental health issues are still not being treated properly due to a lack of health care coverage.
Learning Objective: 11.2: Illustrate how health issues impact us at the micro, meso, and macro levels.
11.1 Healthcare and Aging
By 2030, 1 in 5 Americans will be over age 65 and the result will be more healthcare costs in the future.
This article from Contexts magazine examines the rates of depression between blacks
And whites and the consequences of having depression.