Multimedia and Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Resources

Video 1: Review of Research Designs

Learning Objective: 15-1: How to choose a research design.

Description: Quick overview of different types of research designs.

Video 2: Choosing the Appropriate Statistical Analysis

Learning Objective: 15-2: How to select the appropriate statistical analysis based on your data.

Description: Examples and self-testing for how to choose statistics based on the scale of measurement of your variables and your research design.

Web Resources

Web 1: Interpret Results

Learning Objective: 15-3: How to be a critical consumer and producer of research.

Description: Provides visual explanations of how to interpret statistical significance and effect sizes. Also discusses practical significance.

Web 2: How to Be a Critical Consumer of Research

Learning Objective: 15-3: How to be a critical consumer and producer of research.

Description: Article about critically examining research, with a focus on information presented in the media.

Data sets

Practice calculating descriptive and inferential statistics with a data analysis program. Use any of the data sets available on the “Datasets” tab.