Multimedia and Web Resources

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Video Resources

Video 1: Example of a Factorial Design

Learning Objective: 12-3: How to hypothesize and interpret main effects and interaction effects.

Description: Steps of 2 ´ 2 factorial experiment. Includes definitions and examples of main effects and an interaction. Also shows graphs depicting an interaction effect.

Video 2: Between- and Within-Subjects Factorial Designs

Learning Objective: 12-3: How to hypothesize and interpret main effects and interaction effects. | 12-5: The basics of dependent-groups and mixed factorial designs.

Description: Provides examples of different types of factorial designs.

Web Resources

Web 1: Factorial Experiment

Learning Objective: 12-1: Basic concepts in factorial designs.

Description: Provides basic definition and an example 2 ´ 2 factorial experiment.

Web 2: Interpret Results

Learning Objective: 12-4: How to analyze independent-groups factorial design.

Description: Provides visual explanations of how to interpret statistical significance and effect sizes. Also discusses practical significance.

Data sets

Practice calculating factorial ANOVAs with a data analysis program. Use any of the data sets available on the “Datasets” tab.