Multimedia Resources

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Video Links

Queuing Theory
This video shows how early phone systems helped engineers route phone calls.
LO C.1 Identify the various cost implications and the key features of waiting lines.

Queuing Models
This video shows how to use Excel to look at different queueing models.
LO C.2 Employ the various queuing models and understand when and how to use them to calculate optimal queuing solutions, including the psychology underlying waiting lines.

Little's Law
This video shows how Little's Law helps improve process performance.
LO C.2 Employ the various queuing models and understand when and how to use them to calculate optimal queuing solutions, including the psychology underlying waiting lines.

Web Links

Costs and Waiting Lines
This article discusses the costs of having customers wait for a company's webpage to load.
LO C.1 Identify the various cost implications and the key features of waiting lines.

Virtual Queuing
This article about virtual queuing examines how technology can help theme parks keep visitors moving efficiently.
LO C.2 Employ the various queuing models and understand when and how to use them to calculate optimal queuing solutions, including the psychology underlying waiting lines.