Video and Multimedia

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Trapped in Unemployment

Scott Pelley of 60 Min discusses the challenges of long-term unemployment.  

Generation jobless: ‘Millennials’ struggle with unemployment”

After the recession, many young people faced grim job prospects. This PBS segment includes the stories of some millennials struggling with unemployment.

The Decline of Unions in the U.S.

This video summarizes the factors that have led to union decline in the U.S. in recent years.


As the Gig Economy Grows, Advocates Raise Concern About Workers’ Safety

In recent years, the gig economy has continued to expand. Worker advocates are concerned about safety conditions in many of these jobs, especially since many do not come with benefits.

Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend On the Economy

This clip explores the ways that the economy influences sense of wellbeing.