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Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Sixth Edition! 

CORRECTIONS: There is a small amount of known errors in the first printing of the 6th edition. All corrections can be found in the following PDF: PDF icon salkind_6e_corrected_pages_final.pdf

The SAGE edge site for Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics by Neil J. Salkind offers a robust online environment you can access anytime, anywhere, and features an impressive array of free tools and resources to keep you on the cutting edge of your learning experience.

Girl with laptop image

The Sixth Edition of Neil J. Salkind’s best-selling Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics promises to ease student anxiety around an often intimidating subject with a humorous, personable, and informative approach. Salkind guides students through various statistical procedures, beginning with descriptive statistics, correlation, and graphical representation of data, and ending with inferential techniques and analysis of variance. New to this edition is an introduction to working with large data sets and videos of the author demonstrating the various statistical techniques in the accompanying interactive eBook.


We gratefully acknowledge Neil J. Salkind for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Qingwen Dong of University of the Pacific, Katie Jacobs of the University of Central Missouri, and Virginia McDermott of High Point University for developing the digital resources on this site.